Update from Val
Quick update: Bella had a bit of a rough day yesterday. Once admitted and settled in her
room The nurse went to access her port. When removing the emla cream which is the numbing cream from her port area, Bella broke out in water filled blisters around the port area. Her skin is becoming extremely sensitive. For this cycle, the normal adhesives to protect the port area could not be used. Instead her port is just covered with gauze and paper tape. I peeked under the gauze tonight and the blisters are still there. :(. It will be assessed on Monday when the dressing is changed. Immediately after the blister stuff happened, Bella had a bloody nose. Poor kid! She stayed in her for the remainder of the day. Her chemo started at midnight last night. Thank goodness it went smoothly. Chemo lasted until 6am Friday morning. On Friday she felt well for the most part. She was quite tired and had some cat naps. She had a visit from occupational therapy and physical therapy. During her P.T, we visited adorable little Gigi down the hall. Bella thinks Gigi is the cutest little thing ever. And she is! Gigi was our roommate during our last cycle. Around 3:45 we ventured to the playroom to make special birthday cards for daddy. It was his birthday TODAY! The volunteers in the playroom were having so much fun that they kept the room open until 5:00! It normally closes at 4. We celebrated daddy's birthday when he got here for dinner time. hTonight Bella through up for the first time. Se had to take a magnesium pill since her counts are low and she immediately threw up. She was quite shaken up by it this time. She immediately wanted the strong medication (bennyredglen) so she could stop throwing up and sleep through the night. The Benny medication puts her out! Last night was rough because our roommate was up a lot throughout the night. we hope tonight is better. Her next chemo treatment starts at 6am in the morning. There has to be 24 hours between the end of her last chemo. So far it is projected that we get released sometime on Monday! Good news: when Bella was admitted she had finally gained weight!!! She was 49 last Thursday and she is now 52 pounds! Good nite! :).
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