Written by Val:
Bella had a good and bad day. Lots of vomiting but the good was that she had an evaluation with a physical therapist (which she loved because she loves showing her bone crushing strength) and also she has play time with the occupational therapist in the gym. She loved O.T but it clearly exhausted her quite quickly but she never gave up. In fact when her 1/2 hour was up, she begged for more even though her little muscles were shaking from exhaustion. We had to use the wheel chair to get back to her room. She then fell asleep for two hours!!! She has another O.T session tomorrow afternoon. :) Our OT goals for Bella are to strengthen her muscles in core, legs, and arms but also her back to help get her posture back to what it used to be.
More good news is that I called her pediatrician to get Bellas previous weights from the past year. March 2010 she was 49 lbs. 2/16/11 she was 54 lbs, 4/4/11 she was 53 lbs. The showing of the tumor appears to be May 2011 where she had a drastic jump up to 58.8 lbs. Of course by the end of the summer she was around 67 lbs. Such a red flag, but of course we hadn't kept track of her monthly weight and just thought she was going through a major growth spurt! Anyways, with Bellas weight currently only being 52 lbs, it isn't too bad but she is still too little for her height and build. Nor does she have the muscle that she always had. We still need to bulk her up to get through chemo and strengthen her muscles again. On a lighter note, Bella had an adorable dog named Saavy visit her today. It was an eventful day!! Tomorrow is another eventful day with her therapies but we also get to have a consultation with the alternative medicine doctor. We are looking so forward to it because this should help her nausea!! :)
Thank you all for supporting us, caring for us, and praying for us. It helps us get through each day more than you know!
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